Motorhome Escorted Tours. Fun or Folly?


  We have just returned from a lovely two month stay in Portugal. A month at Touristcampo in Lagos and a month at Camping Ria Formosa near Tavira. If you want a review of both these sites look back at previous blog posts 2022 and 2023. On one of the stops travelling up through France at Only camp Tours, we bumped into a lovely couple who had the same marque van as our Krystal. Of course we had to stop for a chat, this was only the second “Vantage ” we had met on this trip.

Only Camp Tours incidentally is very handy stopping place on the way North or South. Easy access and open all year and they accept ACSI Only Camp Tours . Great facilities and lovely local pizza place a five minute walk away.

The couple we chatted to in the Vantage  Neo van just happened to be on an Escorted Tour of the Loire. Whilst having a chat with them, we realised we were surrounded by other Brit vans, I counted at least 10. The memories of our experiences with escorted tours came flooding back! In this blog I thought a very personal review of “Escorted Tours” may be useful to some. 

There are loads of companies now offering Escorted Tours for motor homers and caravan owners. The prices vary greatly depending on what’s on offer. Some offer meals, tours, ferry crossings and more. All of them come with the services of “tour guides” usually well experienced people either through organisations like ACSI or privately run companies. The length of the tours also seem to depend on where they are going. Prices vary from per unit to per person. It’s a good idea to carefully check what is actually covered and to factor in additional personal costs i.e. getting to the start of the tour, fuel costs, visas, insurance, getting home, all these costs soon add up.

We did two escorted tours both in 2018 with the Camping & Caravanning Club. One to Russia via the Baltics and one to Greece. Both these trips were written up in this blog, scroll back to the appropriate year. I do not intend to specifically re write these blogs just a few things you may wish to consider if you plan an escorted tour. Other experiences we have of escorted tours are those we have met on our independent travels and our experience of touring Africa not “Escorted” but following in the footsteps of a tour again organised by the Camping and Caravanning Club.

In late 2017 I happened to spot an article in  the Camping & Caravanning Club magazine advertising an information event by the club on escorted tours, at the Haynes Motor Museum. At £5 per person including lunch and entry to the museum, it was an offer not to be refused. We spent a very enjoyable day listening to all the presentations about the various tours and signed up for Russia and Greece both for the following year. So, 5 years later I can offer a few insights on escorted tours.

The reasons people go are varied,

  • To meet like minded travellers who share a common hobby
  • People who want to develop confidence for future tours
  • An easy way to see a lot of “sights” with little personal organisation
  • First time motor homers
  • Motor homers who for various reasons prefer to be with others who could help them if needed.
  • Single people who prefer to be with a group.

We wanted to go on a well organised trip to places we would not necessarily go on our own.


We did make it to St Petersburg. 

Later that year we did Greece.

Our first encounter with escorted tours was our trip to Africa. We decided we did not want to travel in a motorhome with a large group so we opted instead for a 4 X 4 with roof tent. We organised the holiday with Bobo Campers in South Africa through the Camping & Caravanning Club in 2017 using the same route and camp sites as the escorted group although we were on our own and just over a week behind them. This worked very well for us.

We felt our 4X4 with roof tent worked better on the terrain of dust roads in Africa than a motorhome.

We were more than happy to manage ourselves!

The escorted tour used motorhomes but also had accompanying mechanics as well as tour guides. 

To sum up this is our personal list of pros and cons. Every one will have their own views, this is just what we think.


Although you do not travel in convoy, vans will inevitably arrive and leave sites at around the same time each day.

Remember to factor in additional costs and time. Sometimes tours start far away. The Russia trip began in Poland and the Greek trip started in San Marino.

A large number of vans arriving on sometimes small sites, put pressure on the facilities. There will always be some competition for the best pitches. Electric hook ups sometimes have to be shared.

Social events are supposed to be optional, We did not want to join in with everything. 20 or so  people travelling together have a large number of birthdays, anniversaries etc to celebrate. Be prepared for ultra socialisation.

Meals out mean large tables and often pre selected food. Seating 20 people presents challenges and tables for two not usually available. Joint mealtimes could be stressful for some. Veggies and people with special diets take note! 

However social you are, you are basically living in close proximity with fellow travellers. Be prepared for a lot of give and take

A lot of the tours are to places that are high on the tourist agenda. Be prepared for crowds at popular tourist venues.

Conducted tours can be really enjoyable but you are always with a large group.

Early starts especially on tour days, some people find this trying and you always have to wait for someone.

We hated the group meetings but some people found they were the highlight of the day!

The trip was very dependant on the expertise and people skills of the group leaders.

No control over the campsites to be stayed at and the facilities.

Free time on tours mean you will still unavoidably be with the same crowd. We often found it impossible to find a small restaurant or cafe which hadn’t already been discovered by our fellow travellers.

Can be very expensive, Do all the sums!


A good way of seeing places you may not be confident enough to do on your own.

Usually well organised.

Sites and tours paid for in advance.

Maps and routes usually well provided.

People around to help out in an emergency. 

Good for socialising if you are so inclined.

All in all, not for us but it did help us to organise ourselves, we have been back to Greece on our own since. the last time we were there we met up with a touring French group. As they met up for their regular briefing we went to the swimming pool and breathed a sigh of relief, we were on our own!!

We really are not anti social and quite friendly in small groups. Always ready for a chat.😎😎😎😎

Would we do another escorted tour…NO!

Shearcox, a blog dedicated to travel, financial freedom, and creating a better lifestyle. I am a passionate traveler and lifestyle creator who wants to share my experiences and insights with you.


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