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FAQs About Decluttering Your Home

10. How and where do I start when I feel overwhelmed? I hate to say it but, put on your big girl panties, crank the...

How to Declutter Sentimental Things

Do you have sentimental clutter that’s weighing you down? Maybe hand-me-downs like your grandmother’s China, or piles of old photos? Or maybe it’s your...

Why is Decluttering Your Home Important?

There is an abundance of tutorials, how-to articles, and books out there on decluttering your home. There are several right here on Home Made...

How to Decorate with FAKE Plants and Flowers So They Look REAL!

Do you want the beauty of plants and flowers in your home, but not the expense of fresh weekly bouquets? Do you have an...

7 Spring Essential Oil Diffuser Blends

This post contains affiliate links & photos. See our full disclosure here. In this post: If you’re ready to start spring cleaning now, want to...


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